Sign up for a diagnostic session where we'll break down how your underlying beliefs are preventing you from getting from point A to B
A service to work with the underlying beliefs that are keeping you from achieving your goals
Online service to improve the quality of your life
The methodology is based on a scientific approach
Online format
9 £
18 £
30–minute call with a certified coach
Test to identify underlying beliefs
All people want to move from point A to point B
But it is very difficult or even impossible to do this on your own
9 £
18 £
When you're ruled by deep–seated beliefs
When you know the secret
Why 99% of people do 99% of the things that don't get results
The path to happiness begins with Reself
Real stories of our customers
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The path to happiness begins with Reself
Real stories of our customers
James, 30
I had a deep–seated belief that the world was dangerous, and to cope I had to control everything around me. This strategy manifested itself in my constant endeavour to control every aspect of my life, especially at work. I was afraid of losing control, so I never dared to start my own business – because then I would have to trust others and rely on unpredictable circumstances. Thanks to Curative Reself, I finally realised how this strategy was preventing me from moving forward. I have now started to let go of control and am learning to trust the process. This has allowed me to take the first step towards starting my own business and acting with more confidence.
Degree of despair
Oliver, 45
Deep down, I always believed that there was something wrong with me, and to compensate, I strived for an unattainable ideal. This strategy forced me to work overtime and constantly raise the bar in an attempt to prove my worth. But this led to burnout and the fact that I couldn't consistently maintain a high level, which affected my career and income. Curative Reself helped me see this pattern and realise how it was having a devastating effect on my life. I have since started to learn to accept myself and set realistic goals, which has allowed me to be more successful in my career and become more satisfied with my development.
Degree of despair
Emily, 32
My underlying belief was that I might be abandoned and out of fear of being alone, I stayed in negative relationships that made me unhappy. My strategy was to tolerate and put up with bad attitudes just to avoid being alone. Curative Reself helped me understand this pattern and realise that fear of loneliness was running my life and preventing me from building healthy relationships. Once I realised this, I was able to gradually move out of toxic relationships and start working on myself. I now base my life on my values rather than my fear and because of this I have hope for healthy and supportive relationships.
Degree of despair
9 £
18 £
How a secret filter in my head almost ruined my life
My name is Artem Ovechkin. My journey to realisation started with the fallout after the end of a relationship. This psychological trauma was a system shock to me. I experienced constant anxiety, depression, panic attacks and illness. I thought I would never get out of it.....
Later, I realised that all this terror was not only caused by the trauma, but also by the fact that I perceived the world through a distorted filter formed as a child.
The filter is our accumulated fears, traumas and beliefs that we don't even realise are there
For 15 years I've been searching for ways to regain control of my condition and reset that filter through psychotherapy, medicine, yoga and even silence.
And finally, I was able to drop the perception filter. The fears, anxieties and constant struggle that had accompanied me for years disappeared. My relationships with people improved, I began to make decisions more easily, my internal conflicts disappeared. I became free.
This experience inspired me to create Reself, a service that helps people reset their filter and positively transform their lives.
Artem Ovechkin
  • Psychotherapist, founder of the service
  • 2 university degrees in psychology
How the filter works
A person experiences an event in childhood that greatly affects their psyche. This traumatic event fixes a certain belief in their mind for the rest of their life.
They then unconsciously live under the influence of this underlying belief and use strategies to cope with it without even remembering its origin.
Here are the most common ones I have encountered in my practice:
The deep–seated belief ‘The world is a dangerous place’
Defence strategies
Control: Seeking to control all aspects of one's life to avoid potential dangers
Avoidance: Avoiding situations that seem dangerous to minimise risk
Hyperattention: Constant monitoring of the environment for potential threats
A deep–seated belief: ‘I'm gonna get dumped’
Defence strategies
Convergence: The desire to maintain close relationships at all costs to avoid being left behind
Succour: The need to be comfortable and pleasing to others to avoid rejection
Dependence: A tendency to depend on others emotionally to avoid loneliness
The deep–seated belief, ‘There's something wrong with me’
Defence strategies
Improved appearance: The need to appear attractive to others
Succour: Seeking approval from everyone and compensating for feelings of ‘inferiority’
Overachievements: Striving to achieve success and recognition to prove their worth
To get rid of underlying beliefs, you need to ‘clean your filter’
To change a life, you need to clean the ‘filter’ rather than fighting each event individually.
This way you can adjust your behaviour towards the world around you and be a happy and successful person.
At the diagnosis you will learn how to clean your ‘filter’ to achieve goals in a state of ease without suffering and burnout
22 indicators that tell you when it's time to ‘clean the filter’
If you've found any of the indicators, your filter is probably dirty and you should think about cleaning it
9 £
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Handing over control to others
Trying to be perfect
You're being infantile
Acting authoritarian
Avoiding intimacy with people
Provoking people
Getting people's attention
Blaming the people around you
Avoiding attention
Devaluing others
You have addictions
Avoiding confrontation
Too responsible
Seek protection and guardianship
Seek recognition
Pulling away from people
Always in control
Undervaluing yourself
Trying to please everyone
Avoiding responsibility
Avoiding negative emotions
You will penetrate the hidden layers of your consciousness
As you have realised, our lives are often affected by old traumas and memories that we are not even aware of. Many problems are rooted in the past, which is sometimes so deeply hidden that we cannot realise it.
Diagnostics will help to reveal the moments that have been forgotten or displaced under the pressure of circumstances. And you can finally get rid of the negative influence of these hidden filters on your life.
9 £
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Our consciousness takes us back to our childhood fears
Even experienced adults in a stressful situation, can behave like children. They will feel helpless, ask for help or even become cranky. This is called ‘stress regression’ – a return to childhood behaviours embedded in the subconscious that can affect important decisions
Take a test to identify underlying beliefs
Understand your individual mental and character traits that influence how you make important decisions in life
The test was developed based on research by neuroscientists and psychotherapists
See how behaviours are preventing you from earning more money
Examples of test results
9 £
18 £
Find out what is preventing you from moving from point A to point B in a meaningful area in your life
Passing time 30-40 minutes
Find out why you are not achieving your desired goals
Understand how to find and fulfil yourself
Learn what gets in the way of building healthy relationships
With just 3 steps, you'll understand how to get rid of the things that get in the way of achieving results
1 step
Make an appointment for a diagnosis
2 step
Take a test to identify underlying beliefs and defence strategies
3 step
Analyse the results of the test together with the coach
You will receive a personalised plan for working through the underlying beliefs
-50% off
What are the most common purposes for which our clients come to us
Reself service will help you to solve these and other queries
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What are the most common purposes for which our clients come to us
Personal condition
Get a good night's sleep
Normalise eating behaviour
Coping with anxiety and fears
Increase self–esteem
Reself service will help you to solve these and other queries
Overcome panic attacks
Break free from emotional dependency
Overcome feelings of loneliness
Recover your strength
Work, study
Solve alcohol problems
Harmonise your sex life
Accept and realise your orientation
Overcome the effects of divorce
Prepare for the birth of the baby
Improve understanding with parents
Find a common language with others
Build trust with children
Accepting the loss of a loved one
Establish a relationship with your partner
Improve concentration
Find motivation
Avoid burnout
Overcome the job change crisis
Set goals
Decide on a line of business
Calm irritability
Conquer procrastination
Deal with the disease
Stop obsessive thoughts about health
Stabilise the mood
Reduce stress
The programme: where your transformation begins
Learn what underlying beliefs make up your filter and how they affect your life
Step 1
Increase your sensitivity and realise the bodily connection of emotion and body – find your footing
Step 2
Work through situations that triggered negative underlying beliefs
Step 3
Recognise how your brain creates emotions: shame, fear, guilt, anger and resentment. And reduce their impact on your life
Step 4
As well as other steps that will greatly improve your quality of life
Step XX
9 £
18 £
Make an appointment for diagnostics with a 50% discount
and get a personal coaching session and access to an online test to help identify your filter distortions
9 £
18 £
You'll take an online test on your own to help you understand what's stopping you from getting from point A to point B. Also:
30–40 minutes
Watch the video, what problems the diagnostic test solves
  • Learn what gets in the way of building healthy relationships
  • Understand how to find and fulfil yourself
  • Find out why you are not achieving your desired goals
  • See how behaviours are preventing you from earning more money
  • Understand your individual mental and character traits that influence how you make important decisions in life
Diagnostic test
Together with the coach, you will deconstruct the results of the test, as well as:
Personal coaching session at Zoom
  • Work through the deep–seated beliefs that prevent you from being healthy, happy, having strong relationships, fulfilling yourself in your business and earning well
  • Understand what negative underlying beliefs, habits, behaviour patterns and psychological limitations are poisoning your life
30 minutes
If after diagnostics you do not feel the value for you — we will return the money without specifying the reasons for it
Our goal is to genuinely share knowledge on how to clear your filter and change your perception of life. If you feel a response — sign up for a diagnostic session that will divide your life into BEFORE and AFTER sessions
9 £
18 £
Online service to improve the quality of your life
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If you still have questions write to us in WhatsApp
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The story of how I changed my life: from depression to freedom
Hello, my name is Artem Ovechkin and I have spent the last 25 years studying how the brain works and how consciousness affects our lives.
I started doing this when I experienced psychological trauma after the breakup of a relationship. It seems to be a rather ordinary situation, but it affected me extremely. Constant anxiety and fear, depression, panic attacks, weakness and even a chronic connective tissue disease of undisclosed aetiology. My internal organs were inflamed, 90% of my facial skin was affected by dermatitis, my whole body was sore and itchy.
I started avoiding people and even stopped socialising with my friends. Eventually I ended up in hospital. It was there that I realised that only I could change my condition.
When I was discharged from the hospital, I immediately started looking for an answer to the question ‘How can I correct my inner state?’. I went to psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, and talked to neurophysiologists.
For 15 years I have been studying how the brain and consciousness work, and looking for ways to regain control over my state and reconfigure this filter. I have tried over 600 traditional and unconventional methods – all kinds of psychotherapy (hypnosis, formations, etc.), psychoanalysis, medicine, brain stimulation, yoga, diets, qigong, esoteric practices and even silence.
After I unravelled what was happening to me and understood how to deal with it – my life got better. All fears, anxieties and inner conflicts disappeared. My relationships with people improved, and I began to make decisions more easily.
During my quest for answers I became a clinical psychologist, Wingwave coach and certified osteopath. Additionally, I received two degrees in psychology from two different institutions.
I have spoken at conferences for thousands of people to share my knowledge and research on psychology and business.
Apart from my personal life, things have also improved in my career. I have built several successful businesses, of which Wikium is the most popular brain–training app (15 million users).
So how did I go from a sick, lonely and depression–ridden person to a happy one?
I have realised two important things for myself that I want to share with you.
2. Regression in stress
Our consciousness takes us back to our childhood fears in stressful situations. This is a regression or return to childhood patterns of behaviour. This mechanism is deeply embedded in our subconscious and it can affect any decision, especially when something important is at stake. That is, during stress a person starts to behave like a child – asking for help, feeling helpless or even capricious.
1. Perception filter
I, like all people, perceive the world through a filter. And what happens in life is the result of this filter. The filter is our accumulated fears, traumas and beliefs that we don't even realise. It is built on deep beliefs that are most often formed in childhood, and it is these beliefs that influence our thoughts, emotions and actions. That is, when a person is faced with certain situations, they automatically trigger habitual thoughts, behavioural reactions and emotions based on deep–seated beliefs.
An article for the most thoughtful readers. Reading time – 5 minutes
How consciousness takes us back to our childhood fears and what to do about it
Imagine that you are an adult with life of experience, skills and knowledge. But when stressed, suddenly the world seems to be collapsing, and you catch yourself acting like a child. Asking for help, feeling helpless, or even irritable. It's not an accident. It's a regression or a return to childish behaviours. And this mechanism, deeply embedded in our subconscious, can affect any decision you make, especially when something important is at stake.
9 £
18 £
Along with regression, our brains use perceptual filters that are formed from childhood experiences. Everything that happens in your life goes through this filter – and what doesn't match your beliefs simply doesn't get your attention.
A simple example: if you have a belief that ‘the world is dangerous,’ you will see threats where there may not be any. If you grew up with the idea that ‘money is hard to come by’, every time someone talks about easy money, your brain will ignore that information or perceive it as false.
Your filter is not just a collection of random thoughts. It is a system that controls your life, dictating how to react to what happens and what decisions to make. When you want something badly, like a new car, your filter starts to adjust to that desire – you start seeing cars of that model everywhere.
Why do we see the world differently?
What happens to you when you are stressed?
Regression is the brain's unconscious response to stressful situations. When the level of stress exceeds the threshold at which we can rationally assess the situation, the brain automatically activates old programs laid down in childhood. Evolutionarily, this is justified: a child learns to survive in dangerous conditions, and these strategies are stored in our subconscious, even if they have long since lost their relevance.
When we are faced with high emotional stress, our brain reverts to the behaviours that helped us survive at an early age. You may think you are making decisions based on adult experience, but in fact your actions are dictated by the child inside you. The higher the stress, the more likely you are to revert to that childlike state.
Your behaviour in this moment is based on the automatic thought ‘If I refuse, there will be conflict and I will not be able to defend myself’. This thought triggers an emotion – sadness, fear or depression. Eventually, your body reacts too: perhaps there are tears or a feeling of tension in your stomach. And underneath this automatic thought is a basic belief from childhood – that you are helpless in the face of conflict.
Imagine this situation: your boss again assigns you additional work that is not your responsibility. You realise that this is unfair, but for some reason you cannot refuse. Why does your filter allow this to pass? Most likely, you are avoiding conflict because as a child you developed a strategy to be nice and comfortable so that you don't lose love or attention.
Example of filter operation
Once you realise the workings of your filter, you can start cleaning it.
You can clean your filter with our Reself service.
One of the main steps to getting out of a vicious cycle is awareness. Think about what automatic thoughts pop up in your mind when things go wrong? What emotions arise in response to stressful situations? Keeping track of these moments will help you understand how filters are affecting your life.
How do you see your filter and start cleaning it?
How is the regression activated?
Our decisions are strongly influenced by the environment in which we find ourselves. For example, when you are safe – in a cosy room or your favourite café – you make more rational decisions. But imagine you are in a wild forest and there is a tiger in front of you. In such a state, you will not look for creative solutions – you will just try to survive.
This is also how stress works. In a stressful situation, your perception of the world changes, and your brain acts as if it is facing a real threat to your life. Even if in fact you just missed a report or had a fight with a loved one, your brain sees it as a ‘tiger’ and switches on its defence mechanisms.
When you learn to become aware of your filters and work with them, changes will begin to happen in all areas of your life. It's not that the world will change around you – you'll just start to see it differently. Instead of threats – opportunities, instead of conflicts – chances for dialogue, instead of failures – lessons for growth.
Why does clearing your filter lead to positive changes in your life?
Filter cleansing is a process that allows you to stop living in the captivity of childish beliefs and start acting from adult, conscious experience. Then, even the greatest stress will not be able to return you to the childish state of helplessness.
The Reself service is the best format for dealing with stress regression
Having analysed various techniques and formats of work, I realised that personal coaching sessions are best suited to working with regression. They allow:
  • Reduce regression
  • Increase awareness
  • See ineffective patterns of behaviour
Sign up for a coaching session at a 50% discount and get access to an online test to help identify your filter distortions
You'll take an online test on your own to help you understand what's stopping you from getting from point A to point B. Also:
30–40 minutes
Watch the video, what problems the diagnostic test solves
  • Learn what gets in the way of building healthy relationships
  • Understand how to find and fulfil yourself
  • Find out why you are not achieving your desired goals
  • See how behaviours are preventing you from earning more money
  • Understand your individual mental and character traits that influence how you make important decisions in life
Diagnostic test
Together with the coach, you will deconstruct the results of the test, as well as:
Personal coaching session at Zoom
  • Work through the deep–seated beliefs that prevent you from being healthy, happy, having strong relationships, fulfilling yourself in your business and earning well
  • Understand what negative underlying beliefs, habits, behaviour patterns and psychological limitations are poisoning your life
30 minutes
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